EMHS 12/07/23 Minutes
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society
December 7th, 2023
Meeting Minutes
The meeting – was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall
Networking/Decorating – 5:00 PM, decorate for Christmas Party, set up refreshments, and sign in.
Club Surprise – 6:00 PM, Eric announced that we now have a website. From now on all our correspondence will be through this website Emhosta.com. Eric went through all the technical aspects of it and showed people how to set it up on their phones. He also said he would be available if anyone needed any assistance in getting this set up on their computers or phones if they are struggling.
Potluck –6:30 PM, Everyone enjoyed the lovely Christmas potluck and ham dinner.
Business Meeting – the meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM by President Glen Pace. Glen thanked Rick &Nancy Stout, Piechnik’s Garden Gate, Jim Pabst, Paul Laidler, Carolyn Koning, Carrie & Kelly Williams, and Tina Metzger for hosting this year’s Garden Tours.
Also, many thanks to Barb Hunter for her many years of service as our Treasurer.
Ken & Jan Zawisa as kitchen workers for our indoor meetings. Making sure we have coffee and hot water for tea, making sure we have all the appropriate items to carry on all our wonderful potlucks.
The Board for everything they do:
Becky – Vice President, mailings and buying supplies.
Mark – Former President, our go to guy for guidance.
Marlene – Secretary, for meeting minutes and making sure snail mail receives the newsletter. And now taking on the position of Treasurer too.
Cathy & Mick Hodgson and Gene Arms for doing our plant sales for the last number of years. Also, on a sad note this will be our last year for plant sales unless changes arise as our profits from 2023 were minimal and not worth the work that it takes to pull this off.
Thanks to all the members for supporting EMHS throughout the years of our existence. Especially for those that come early to help with set-up and or stay after the meeting to help with cleaning up, it is very much appreciated.
Lastly the membership thanked Glen Pace for all his hard work in keeping this club afloat.
Treasurers Report – We had three months of reports, September 2023 Starting balance $XXX.xx, ending balance $XXX.xx. October 2023 Starting balance $XXX.xx, ending balance $XXX.xx. November Starting balance $XXX.xx, ending balance $XXX.xx. Pat Maitland made a motion to approve the treasurers report, Robin Bratton seconded the motion, the membership voted to approve the treasurers report for the last three months.
Dues – The Board discussed and decided at our November meeting that the dues will be increased to $10.00 per year per household. The club started back in 1995 with dues set at $5.00 a year and it has never increased.
EMHS Plant Sale 2024 – this year we will have the following hostas for sale: Hosta, Dancing with Dragons – this will be our gift plant. Hosta, Terms of Endearment 20 available, Hosta, Time in a Bottle 20 available. The following Hellebore’s will be for sale: Hellebore, Flower Girl 20 available, Hellebore, Spanish Flare 20 available. And one Epimedium, Pretty in Pink 30 is available. The price for each selection is $10.00. All orders MUST BE prepaid this year, all plants will be delivered at the May meeting. If you cannot be at the meeting to pick up your plant, you MUST find someone to pick it up for you at the meeting.
EMHS 2024 Calendar of Events
February 08 – Mayfield Twp. Hall getting reacquainted meeting/potluck.
March 16/17 – No meeting, Hosta College. More information at February meeting
April 11 – Mayfield Twp. Hall Glen Pace, Hellebores
May 09 – Mayfield Twp. Hall Mark Hanner, Less is More
June 13th - Need site volunteers for our first garden tour.
July 11th – Garden Tour Barb Hunter, and Marlene Daniels Lapeer.
August 08 – Garden Tour J. Gensel’s home in Flint, need another site volunteer.
September 12th – EMHS Plant Exchange, Suncrest Nursing Home
October 10th – Mayfield Twp. Hall meeting possible if we get a speaker.
November 14th -Board Meeting Whiteys
December 12th – Mayfield Twp. Hall, Christmas PartySummer Member Garden Tour Meetings – the board discussed and decided we will continue them as in previous years.
Election of Officers – President and Treasurer election is held on even years. Do we have anybody interested in volunteering for either of these two positions: no one volunteered.
Name Badges – if needed please PRINT your name on the sheet if you need one. First one free and replacements are 2.00 each. Please save the magnet from the back of a ruined badge to save on costs.
EMHS 25th Anniversary pins and keychains – If you are a paid member and have not received one, please see Mark or Glen.
Announcements – Happy Birthday Mick Hodgson. If there is any interest in the club selling Calendars, see Gene Arms, this would be a fundraising event. There will be no spring plant sale!
Next Meeting – Mayfield Twp. Hall, February 08, 2024
Adjourned – 8:35 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Marlene Daniels
Secretary/Treasurer EMHS