EMHS Board Minutes 11/09/2023
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society
November 09, 2023
Board Meeting Minutes
Called to Order 11:50 AM
Board Members Present - Glen Pace, Marlene Daniels, Mick & Cathy Hodgson, Mark & Becky Hanner, Mick & Cathy Hodgson
Absent – none
Others Present – Ken Daniels, Gene & Louise Arms
Recording – Marlene Daniels, secretary
Old Business:
Officer’s Job Duties as approved by the EMHS Board at the October 18, 2010, board meeting:
Change made to Fund Raising Coordinator in 2017 due to end of Hosta Stone Project
President – Coordinates meetings, presides over meetings, obtains, and secures speakers for meetings, confirms hall reservations for meetings, writes and emails newsletters and any other notifications, call board meetings as needed, oversees the EMHS blog site and publishes all minutes and newsletters on blog, conducts door prize and raffle drawings as dictated.
Vice President – Assumes the duties of the President when the President is absent. Co-signatory on EMHS checking account, helps set-up hall for meetings, sends thank you notes to speakers or hosts for current meeting.
Treasurer – Keeps the EMHS checking account up to date and balances account on a monthly basis, keeps receipt book up to date and purchases new receipt books as needed, writes and mails check as needed for EMHS business, keeps records of monies received and paid out for special events, has an up-to-date treasurer’s report ready for each regularly scheduled meeting, has all financial records ready for an annual audit that the Past President will over-see.
Secretary – Keeps EMHS Membership list up to date on a monthly basis, takes minute notes at the monthly meetings and writes the meeting minutes for each meeting (these will be emailed to the President to publish on the blog), mails newsletters by USPS as dictated by membership list, alerts members via email/USPS as to their dues status when applicable, secures the Mayfield Twp. Hall for meetings, sells raffle tickets at the meetings and assists with drawings.
(Italicized/Bold part to be done by Fund Raising or volunteer)Fund Raising Coordinator – Brainstorms for ways EMHS can increase revenue and helps to initiate those ideas into reality. Oversees fund raising projects.
Past President – The “go-to” person for the rest of the EMHS officers, assists other officers with answers to problems that arise in their duties, oversees an annual audit of the EMHS financial records and checking account.
Do we need to make any changes in the officer’s duties?
Decisions – Have fundraising coordinators sell raffle tickets at the meetings and assist with drawings.
Combine Secretary and Treasurer jobs until someone in the Membership volunteers to become Treasurer. (this is ok per our by-laws)
Election of Officers:
President and Treasurer on Even Years
Vice President and secretary on odd years
Glen Pace was willing to stay on as President and Marlene Daniels was willing to stay on a Treasurer/Secretary
Officer’s Reports:
President Glen Pace
Membership Directory – Latest directory updated on l0/14/23 Also need to update the business cards. The financial report sheets have all been updated, as well as the membership applications. Glen announced a new website for the club, it is EMHosta.com and at this point it will cost $XX per year. Eric Hahn will attend the December meeting to explain to the membership how to download the website and make an icon for easy access.Vice President – Becky Hanner
Becky said there were no issues with mailing thank you notes. Becky does need a book of stamps for the mailings. She also suggested buying cards, thinking of you/get well cards to send to members as needed. The board voted to have her proceed with the purchasing of such cards.Past President – Mark Hanner
Glen asks if there were still keychains/pins available and if we knew if the new members were being offered the opportunity to get one? Mark suggested that Glen have some on hand also in case Mark was not at a meeting where a new member needed one.Secretary/Treasurer – Marlene Daniels
Glen asks Marlene how the paid memberships vs. directory listings were? Also, if she needed any stamps, ink, or paper.
Marlene reported that she would like updates from the Membership on their emails and phone numbers, and that she was fine for the time being on supplies.
The treasury total as of today was $XXX.xx, and there was no unusual cost in 2023. Glen would like the yearend totals ASAP after 12/31/2023, Marlene agreed to complete it.Audit of Books – Mark will oversee per by-laws and Glen will ask Deb Brown, and Pat Maitland to assist. The IRS filing will be done when Marlene finalizes the end of year.
Fundraising – Cathy & Mick Hodgson
Cathy Hodgson said the annual plant sale was on for 2024.
The 2023 plant sale was as follows:
Plants ordered – 132.
Plants sold – 81.
Gift plants given - 34
Plants leftover – 12 gift plants
Plants lost - 17 died/given to Barb to try to save (gift plants)
Cost of Plants - $XX.xx
Additional Costs - $XX.xx (shipping, surcharge, bags)
Total Cost - $XX.xx
total Sales - $XX.xx
Net - $Xx.xxName Badges – Glen Pace
No comments on the name badges, keep everything as is.Plant Exchange – Glen Pace
Future Plant exchanges will still be held at the Suncrest Pavilion, pending it is available. Making sure everyone takes home whatever extra plants that belonged to them has helped with the clean up after. Make sure the $5.00 table is situated so only the fund-raising committee is allowed to sit and can oversee what people get a $5.00 plant. Proceeds from the $5 plant table were $XX.xx for 2023.December 07, 2023 – Annual Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall Lapeer.
EMHS 2024 Calendar of Events
2024 Meeting Dates – Places – Speakers * denotes need for topic, speaker, and/or place.
January – no meeting
February 08 – Mayfield Twp. Hall – Get reacquainted and collect dues.
March – Hosta College – no meeting
April 11 – Mayfield Twp. Hall – Glen Pace, Hellebores
May 09- Mayfield Twp. Hall – Mark Hanner
June 13– __*_____________________
July 11 –Garden Tour Barb Hunter & Marlene & Ken Daniels
August 08 – Garden Tour Joann Ginsel, still need one more garden.
September 12 - Plant exchange, Suncrest Pavilion
October 10- __*_only if speaker is found.
November 14 – Annual Board Meeting, Whitey’s
December 12 –Mayfield Twp. Hall - Christmas PartySummer Garden Meetings:
Sign-up sheets will be out at the Christmas Party, and other meetings until filled. The board voted to continue with no food at gardens and should have at least two gardens.Annual Plant Sale 2024
Plants have already been ordered from Walters Gardens. The board discussed whether or not to continue the plant sale, after discussing the board voted to stop the plant sale. 2024 will be the last time we will be offering it. We changed the delivery of the plants to May, and we will be distributing the plants at the May 9th meeting. The club will put on the order form that all plants ordered must be picked up at the May 9th meeting, if you are not able to attend, please make sure you have someone pick up your order or your will be put out for sale at the meeting and your money will be refunded. The club will no longer be keeping plants after the date of delivery.Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:43 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels