EMHS 04/11/24 Minutes

The Meeting – was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall

Networking – 5:00 pm Doors open, set up refreshments, sign in and pay dues.

Potluck – 6:00 pm Glen called the meeting to order. Everyone enjoyed the potluck.

Program – Glen Pace, Hellebores; The species, some hybrids and which ones grow best in zones 5b – 6a. Thank you Glen Pace for a wonderful presentation.

Business Meeting – Glen announced that he added a EMHS public media section, it includes pictures but please if you submit pictures make sure there are no people in them. Also reminded the membership that all newsletters and minutes are posted on the website.

Last month we forgot to get approval of the minutes for December 2023, so we did both December and February’s minutes. There were no changes to be made to the minutes.  Steve Balabon made a motion to accept the minutes and Becky Hanner seconded, the motion passed unanimously.

Reminder that the board decided at our November meeting that the dues will be increased to $10.00 per year per household. 

Treasurer’s Report – February 2024 starting balance was $XX.xxincome of $XX.xx and expenses were $XX.xx leaving February with an ending balance of $XX.xx.  March 2024 starting balance was $XX.xx, income of $XX.xx, there were no expenses, leaving March with an ending balance of $XX.xx.  The motion was made by Becky Hanner and seconded by Cathy Hodgson; the motion was passed unanimously.

EMHS Plant sale – price for each selection is $10.00. All extras will be offered at the May meeting.  All plants must be prepaid this year, and all plants will be delivered at the May meeting.  If you can’t pick up your order, please find someone else to get it for you.

Hosta College – was March 15 -16 2024.  There were 248 attendees, 45 classes offered, with more than 20 instructors. Feedback on the event was those that attended had a great time.

Name badges/25th Anniversary pins and keychains – If you need a name badge, please print your name on the sheet in the back of the room.  See Mark Hanner if you have not received your anniversary pin or keychain.

Election of Officers – President and Treasurer election is held on even years.  If you are interested in volunteering for either of these two positions, please let a board member know.  As it stands Glen Pace will remain president and Marlene Daniels will remain treasurer/secretary.

Announcements – Melva Bond’s sister passed away.  Becky would also like you to contact her if any member knows of another member that is ill, and she will send a card out to them. 

Next Meeting – May 9th, 2024, at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer. Topic is Less is More by Mark Hanner. Also don’t forget it will also be time to pick up the plants that were ordered and the free plant provided by the club.

Adjournment – Becky Hanner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Daniels



EMHS 05/09/24 Minutes


EMHS 02/08/24 Minutes